Thursday, 1 April 2010

The Five Keys of Azura - The Norseguard vs. The Red Hand

I decided to show one of the set pieces in the Five Keys, the battle between supporters of Throndar and supporters of his wayward brother Sorondar. This battle takes place in Moonrest on the banks of Lake Moonlight. The Red Hand are very strong, if a little gung-ho, whereas the Norseguard are well trained, well equipped and, most of all, well disciplined. The outcome is, perhaps, predictable.

This is a battle between the Norseguard and The Red Hand that takes place in Lake Moonlight. The Norseguard are Throndar's elite guard whilst The Red Hand are their sworn enemy, fighting with Throndar's brother, Sorondar. Avoid, unless you're a high level...